
您是否在追求生产力、可持续效益或不含邻苯二甲酸盐的解决方案?为满足您的需求,普立万已经研发并商业化了一种塑化剂 ,主要以大豆油等快速可再生原料为基础。
普立万的reFlex™生物塑化剂 为您提供一种无毒的生物基塑化剂替代品,独特的优势能帮助您改善收入和利润。
- 不含邻苯二甲酸盐的生物基替代产品,能替代一般的邻苯二甲酸盐塑化剂
- 符合加州65号提案、2008年消费品安全改进法案(CPSIA)和其他限制塑化剂使用的法规,降低潜在的法律风险
- 可吸收快速可再生含量
- 经美国农业部BioPreferred®标准认证,生物基含量在94-99%
- 与DINP、BBP等相当的用量水平和性能特征
- 具有出色的热稳定性,可降低热稳定剂水平,减少加工商产量损失
- 相同硬度下机械性能提高
产品名称 | 生物基含量 | 无毒环保 | 符合CPSIA | 符合CA Prop 65 * |
reFlex 100 | ||||
名称 | 类别 | 描述 | |
reFlex™ 100 High Solvating Bio-Derived Plasticizer as an Accelerator - Product Bulletin | 产品公告 | reFlex™ 100 as an accelerator discussion, test formulations, paste viscosity, gel rates, mechanical properties and heat stability | 视图 |
reFlex™ 100 High Solvating Bio-Derived Plasticizer Compared with Butyl Benzyl Phthalate - Product Bulletin | 产品公告 | reFlex™ 100 high solvating bio-derived plasticizer compared with butyl benzyl phthalate | 视图 |
reFlex™ 100 High Solvating Bio-Derived Plasticizer Compared with Other High Solvating Plasticizer Alternatives - Product Bulletin | 产品公告 | reFlex™ 100 high solvating bio-derived plasticizer compared to other high solvating plasticizer alternatives | 视图 |
reFlex™ 100 USDA High Solvating Bio-Derived Plasticizer - Product Bulletin | 产品公告 | reFlex™ biobased content determination, USDA BioPreferred Label, examples of calculating theoretical renenwable content | 视图 |
reFlex™ BioPlasticizers as a Productivity Tool - Product Bulletin | 产品公告 | reFlex 100 bio-derived plasticizer can help you reach new customers, improve productivity and grow your bottom line | 视图 |